
Our weddings are very different; we don’t have a standard marriage ceremony. Instead, our wonderful minister works with you to determine exactly what your wedding sounds, looks and feels like. We can provide a more traditional service if you like, but we’re equally happy providing a more innovative service.

Your marriage is part of your personal path – we make our space your spiritual home. 

Couples are expected to attend at least two services before their marriage, which will enable them to get to know the congregation better and to feel part of our Unitarian community.

We welcome and marry all cultures and religious faiths, and also conduct same-sex marriages – we are proudly LGBTQ+ inclusive. In fact, we were one of the first faiths to offer same-sex marriages in the UK, after campaigning for several decades. 

Child Blessings

Ceremonies are made available for all who seek to celebrate the birth of their child. We normally refer to such a ceremony as a baptism and it usually contains traditional symbols such as that of water, although there is no suggestion of washing away sin.

Some parents prefer a Naming or Dedication Ceremony and this can be provided. All families are welcomed.


Unitarians have always considered funeral services to be more than an occasion for mourning. Each service is a celebration and a thanksgiving for the life of the deceased person. Services may take place at Old Chapel itself, at Dukinfield Crematorium or in a home. Ceremonies are also available to accompany the scattering of ashes in our Garden of Remembrance.

Funeral arrangements should be made initially through a Funeral Director of your choice.

“Life is like a wave crashing in the ocean. It happens fast but makes its mark in the sand.” Every moment, big or small, leaves an imprint. Seize each one,for they collectively shape our journey”